** Tutorial Video ** (<-- click here for video)


If you need to cancel one show and this is the only show in the event - you need to follow the instructions on Canceling an Event since this is considered a single show event. 

If you need to cancel one (or more) shows and there is more then one show in the event, but you only need to cancel certain shows within the event follow the Canceling a Show instructions

Canceling an Event (0:00 in tutorial video)

  • If an entire event needs to be canceled (as opposed to just a single show within the event), go to EVENTS in the left-hand navigation menu.  

  • Click the name of the event, which will open up the event details page. 

  •  Click the red CANCEL EVENT button in the upper right corner

  • All canceled events can be located in the events list under the CANCELED filter or the ALL filter. 
    • By default, the UPCOMING status is set for the events list but users can change the filter to suit their needs. 

Un-Canceling an Event (0:17 in video)

  • Go to the EVENTS list and select the CANCELED filter at the top of the page.

  • Click the name of the event that needs to be un-canceled.

  • Click the blue UN-CANCEL EVENT button in the upper right corner.

  • Once the event is un-canceled, click the blue FINALIZE EVENT & SHOWTIMES button to save these changes. 

  • Please keep in mind that un-canceling an event will un-cancel ALL shows within the event. If a venue wishes to only un-cancel specific shows within an event, please follow the instructions below for canceling & un-canceling a show.

Canceling a Show (0:38 in video)

  • Go to the EVENTS list and click the pencil icon next to the show time that needs to be canceled.

  • The show details page will pop up. Click the red CANCEL SHOW button at the top of the show details page. 

  • Click the blue FINALIZE EVENT & SHOWTIMES button to save these changes.

Un-Canceling a Show (0:59 in video)

  • Go to the EVENTS list and locate the show that needs to be un-canceled.

  • Locate the show in question and click UN-CANCEL SHOW on the far right.

  • Again, please note that if an entire event was canceled, the option to un-cancel just one show will not be available. The only way to un-cancel a single show, is if that show was un-canceled separately from the entire event.