Editing an Event  (0:00 in video)

---------->>>>>**Tutorial Video**<<<<<----------

  • Click on EVENTS & SHOWTIMES in the left-hand navigation menu
  • Click on EVENTS
  • Click the name of the event that the user wishes to edit.  

  • The user will see 3 tabs at the top of the page--EVENT DETAILS || FEATURED TALENT || SHOWTIMES. 

  • Selecting EVENT DETAILS enables the user to edit the event name/event description, add text for an event-specific email confirmation, assign labels to the event and make the event private or hidden from the homepage. (0:00 in video)

  • Selecting FEATURED TALENTS enables the user to edit the talent profile or change the talent that is listed on a given event. (0:40 in video)

  • Selecting SHOWTIMES enables the user to edit existing showtimes. (1:27 in video)

Please note: regardless of which section (Event Details, Featured Talents or Showtimes) needs to be edited, users will need to click either of the following buttons to access the FINALIZE EVENT & SHOWTIMES button which will save any changes that have been made. 

  • The SHOWTIMES tab at the top of the page

  • Click the SHOWTIMES & FINALIZE button


Editing a Show  (1:27 in video)

  • Go to EVENTS in the left-hand navigation menu

  • Click the pencil icon next to the showtime.

  • Clicking the showtime will bring users to the SHOW DETAILS page. From here, users may cancel a show, edit the show date/time, edit the start sales date/time & end sales date/time, edit the door time or edit ticket quantities and prices. 

  • Once the desired changes are made to a show, click the blue UPDATE button in the upper-left corner of the show details page. Then click the blue FINALIZE EVENT & SHOWTIMES button.

Canceling & Un-Canceling Events or Shows

Please reference the Canceling & Un-Canceling Events or Shows helpdesk article for more information.